Plant-a-Book International helps Nairobi Kids! This blog represents two registered nonprofit organizations, PAB and KKIN-UK, that provide support for the students at Galilee Primary School and Waddington High School, and children living in the Holly House orphanages in the slums of Nairobi Kenya. We are dedicated to lifting children from poverty through literacy and education. For more information, please visit PAB's website at

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Message from School Director Fanuel

I hope this finds you and your families  fine. Here we are all fine and working hard towards preparing our KCPE  and KCSE candidates .
We have just come to the mid of this term, our WHS students in form one to three have just finished their mid-term  exams. Our form four students are sitting for their KCSE mocks exams starting this Monday. They will be doing the mocks for the next two weeks. Just like the final KCSE exams the kids sit for all the papers as well as practical papers in science subjects. Our class 8 pupils just finished their mid-term exams and teachers are busy marking probably in the next few days the results will be out.
The new government policy today has drastically changed the way the prefect body is formed in all schools and thus they have introduced an election method. Students interested in being prefects offer themselves election. We just did our prefect election and now we have new prefect body with Henry Otakwa as the head boy and Celestine Oyombe as the head girl. And also prefects in all other department. The students are very happy about the new method of selection and they feel the elected group is a representation of what they wanted.
Music competition has started in the earnest. GPS children went for their first stage of competition and they emerged top in all the music classes they entered. They will be going for the second stage earlier next month. There are all possibilities that they might be able to advance to the National music competition which will be held in Nakuru this year. Due to the costs involved we shall not afford to take part in the national music competition but we shall try our level best to compete here in Nairobi.
The same is happening for WHS. They are yet to compete but for them they compete only at one stage (provincial) before going for the nationals. Like GPS we are only going to take part in competition in Nairobi whether they advance or not we shall not be able to afford to take them to Nakuru for National competition. Being competition that our schools do very well kids are always happy to take part.
Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Hello from Colorado in the U.S. I have been following your progress and am so impressed with all you do on behalf of the children there at the Galilee school. The children you so lovingly support and educate there will in turn make their own significant impact in the lives of those they encounter throughout their lives. And so the work and the love will continue to expand!
    May God continue to bless all that you and those involved do on behalf of these children.
